Many people spend little time thinking about their taxes before W-2s start coming in the mail. However, the more diversified your assets become the more important it is to create a tax plan for your finances. For those looking to make the most out of their income and...
Comprehensive Tax Law Representation Since 1995
We handle every aspect of tax law: preparing tax returns, representing clients during audits, resolving IRS and state tax controversies, and creating tax planning strategies for the future.
Month: June 2019
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How contractor misclassification can impact your business
Many businesses hire workers as independent contractors, rather than full-time employees, to reduce costs. However, the rules that govern whether someone is a contractor or employee examine factors of the person’s work environment – not what the company...
We insist that your taxpayer rights are protected and your options are known.
Our services are confidential and are protected under the attorney-client privilege as allowed by law.