You always endeavor to pay your taxes on time, but this year was different than usual. Though you put aside money for taxes in most cases, you had medical bills and other major purchases that required more of your savings than usual. That means that you simply don't...
Comprehensive Tax Law Representation Since 1995
We handle every aspect of tax law: preparing tax returns, representing clients during audits, resolving IRS and state tax controversies, and creating tax planning strategies for the future.
Month: February 2020
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What is an Offer in Compromise on tax debt?
Owing the Internal Revenue Service money isn't something that most people want to do. When you're in this position, you're probably ready to get everything taken care of as quickly as possible. This debt quickly becomes a priority because of the steps the IRS can take...
Held responsible for your spouse’s tax debts?
When married couples file joint tax returns, they accept individual and joint responsibility for any taxes owed. That means the IRS can ask either spouse or both to pay the taxes, along with any penalties and interest. This is true even if they later divorce, and even...
We insist that your taxpayer rights are protected and your options are known.
Our services are confidential and are protected under the attorney-client privilege as allowed by law.