Failure to pay taxes is a situation that government agencies take very seriously. If there are suspicious returns, incorrect records or missing documents in regards to your return, it may not be long until the IRS comes calling.
While this can undoubtedly be a frightening situation, it is crucial that you do not act out of fear or without first understanding your legal options. These options will vary based on the allegations against you, including whether a mistake is believed to be intentional or accidental.
Failure to pay taxes is not automatically considered a crime. After all, the tax code is enormously complicated and people make mistakes. However, if the IRS claims that you intentionally failed to complete a return or if you purposely altered, removed or falsified documentation submitted with your return, you could face criminal charges.
The distinction between making a mistake and committing a crime will influence how you can remedy the situation. A mistake can be resolved with appeals and the payment of fines and penalties; a criminal act can lead to conviction and imprisonment.
This is why it can be so crucial to have legal support on your side if you are approached by the IRS. With legal guidance, you can protect your rights, dispute inaccurate claims that could jeopardize your finances and your freedom, and resolve tax matters.
While you might find yourself overwhelmed, intimidated and scared when faced with allegations related to unpaid taxes, our law firm is experienced in dealing with the IRS and confronting various accusations. We have helped people across Georgia address tax problems and work toward an appropriate, fair resolution. For more information on our firm, please visit our website.